I have been in business as an accountant in the Penrith valley since the age of 23 and as such, as I have studied and “practiced”, I realized that I will never know it all. I have gathered around me loyal staff that I have taught or have been been taught by persons I have taught and together they embody a high degree of professional academia as well as a learning in the field that no university can teach.

When it comes to business, taxation expertise is only part of the ingredient required to produce a successful outcome and that is why I have created around myself people in other endeavors who can help with the missing links.

The following people who I have found are, I believe, the very best of the best. In the following pages I give my reasons for choosing them.

I am proud of the alliances I have formed with them hence the name

“Alliance Accountancy”. Geoff Wood

Please select one or more partners for your referal request

Geoff Wood Accountant and Tax Alliance Accountancy Phone : 0247083077
Graham Robertson Auditor G L R & Associates Phone : 0247083077
Errol Rabaud Financial Planner Asset Protection & Wealth Creation Advice P/L Phone : 0422812633
Quintin Hampshire Loan Brokers Assured Lending Mortgage Brokers P/L Phone : 0474826262
Peggy Wilcox Property Investment Mooney Real Estate Phone : 0402286664
Jovan Sarai Solicitor & Barrister Safe Harbour Lawyers Phone : 0450098837
Priya Misha Marketing Strategist Exante Digital Phone : 0424567006
Debra Highland Bookkeeper Debra Kaye Bookkeepers Phone : 0410430407
Akiko Wood Health & Business Opportunity Phone : 0421375035
John Allen Business Investment Skyways Phone : 0418412441
John Anderson Area Manager Mitronics Phone : 0418201975
Mark Marlow Insolvency & Liquidations Jones Partners Phone : 0405191603
Abraham Tavares General Insurance Insurance House Phone : 0414866134
Debbie Mitchell Trade Exchange BBX Phone : 0404255479
Kerry Boler Health Funds Simple Family Insurance Phone : 0406679788
Paul Zakostelsky Managing Director Paul Frank Phone : 0421113089
Renato Cantalupo Loan Broker Above and Beyondfs Phone : 0425227818
Chris Howell Phone : 0418412441
David Wood Builder Shine Wood Phone : 0247888804
Kerry Boler Health Funds Simple Family Insurance Phone : 0406679788